17 Years Experience - Full-Time Commitment
City Salt Lake City
Our 24/7 pre-scheduled sessions are exclusively unique to the entire coaching industry, as Master Coach Lou DePasquale LIVES coaching. Coaching is his business and he dedicates 100% of his professional time to Attainment and his vast clientele. Unlike "coaches" that have non-applicable full-time other jobs, weekends mandatorily off and invest only a few minimal hours per week into make-shift coaching. Master Coach Lou DePasquale has zero distractions, and no food cart on the side of the road or posing as a sales agent for extra income throughout the week. So you and your family receive one on one experienced coaching that is 17 years in the making, effective, customized and has received multiple awards Since 2008. Full-time, around the clock for optimal results.
Strategic Partnership
Our seasoned and well respected coaching will become an essential part of your daily life. Too often we trivialize the obvious obstacles in our lives because they might seem unimportant or petty in terms of needing to make a true change. Whether personally or professionally, coaching can cover many crucial areas of focus. For some it is lack of direction, stagnant lifestyle or relationships and career problems, for others it is finances, family, or lack of accountability and self discipline via college or daily life thereafter. "Can't Do v.s. Won't Do" or "Lack of Skill v.s. Lack of Will." Award-Winning Master Coach Lou DePasquale is extremely resourceful and can help any age and background within the boundaries of a healthy mindset and the willingness to progress on behalf of client. Attainment Utah Coaching is a partnership, process and avenue to enhance self development and "realign" many areas of need.
We have no problem practicing constructive "tough love" with all clients, as you can see from our accolades over the years. It is important for clients to be honest, open, patient and completely onboard with an agreed plan of action from start to finish. Coaching paves the way to strengthen and greatly improve personal & professional areas of need, instill leadership, weigh fresh and viable options, and provide insight to make better choices. While our coaching is not militant in style, we are a stark contrast to a hand holding-singing and dancing commune. Balancing hard work, extensive travel and a clear understanding of each client's needs, we have earned a stellar reputation for how coaching should be done. After all these years, we are still here and going strong...
What makes Master Coach Lou so effective in this regard, is that his personality just naturally caters to all walks of life. No judgement, just equality. Then comes his ability to assess any topic, coaching techniques, vast experience, global travel and coaching content. His successful interactions in life and business around the world for many years, shows no limits in terms of religion, gender, race, age, sexual-orientation, handicap or ANY kind of respective background or level of intellect. Client connection through versatility is critical. These are just more reasons why choosing Attainment will be of great benefit personally and professionally.
Forge A New Path In 2025 ...
Content, Structure, Strategy, Accountability - All customized by Award-Winning Master Coach Lou DePasquale. Other coaches and companies are big on plagiarizing from the masses, printing worksheets they find online or just plain winging it from client to client. At Attainment, Lou DePasquale has volumes of personal & professional content in which he has created over the years. Whether on the road teaching or from working one on one in the trenches with Attainment's vast clientele, Coach Lou is always writing, making notes and building custom content to draw from for each client that graces his award-winning coaching company. Strategic dialogue is the key ingredient in proper coaching from our standpoint. We take great pride in building a special rapport, thus Investing the time to learn about you in every way. Our style is far from a cliche system, because relevant change does not occur easily or prematurely.
Finding out what pertains specifically to our client in all areas of need is not only the first step, but ongoing throughout the partnership. Information is our "raw material" in a sense, as we can only help with what we know from client to client. Once we have relevant data and work to understand a clients personality and background, we can assist them in small steps of progression within their capacity. As we grow together, we can then gauge content load, release new material and implement an even stronger routine day to day. Coach Lou pays close attention to each client and their progress level at all times, as we know full well that each person moves at a different pace. In our book: "a stumble is not a fall and a fall is just a lesson learned." So when you work with us, you are getting an arsenal of knowledge and proven experience mixed with patience and structure that is always evolving for the betterment of you.
Our Coaching + Your Hard Work = Results
Respecting The Value of Coach Lou & Attainment - When evaluating the "coaching partnership" in any form it is critical to be invested emotionally, NOT monetarily, from day one. We do receive inquiries from potential clients that are so focused on the money aspect or Coach Lou "quick fixing" their lives, as opposed to the true value of our life, career and business coaching. Respective budgets in life are a given for all, but this cannot deter one from true progress and self-growth short and long term. We are selective with our client roster and our coaching content, so we aim to only retain those who are completely committed to the process. The client must do the "heavy-lifting" to create change, as results come from your hard-work and commitment to implementing the plan of action.
Coach Lou is proud of his unique skill-set, stellar track record and sought after ability to genuinely help clients in various ways, IF they want to be helped. But they must see the value in his coaching to maximize their full potential with each session and interaction. From our standpoint, real commitment to coaching always comes before money. We also receive many emails from people sharing painful stories of having chosen an inferior coach and not only wasting money, time and energy, but were promised something that just could not be delivered. These clients seek out Attainment based on a multitude of reasons, including connection, trust, diversity, efficiency, consistency and an impeccable coaching record for so many years.
Coach Lou's "Gratitude List" - We are all guilty of losing sight with what is right in front of us every single day. Being truly thankful for health, family, career and the great things that make us who we are can be overlooked by even the most successful person. Coach Lou helps each client meticulously outline a custom gratitude list, personally and professionally. This will serve as a constant reminder for client to practice self worth and genuine appreciation for all the exceptional people that make such a big difference.
College - Millennials - Adult - Gen Z
Parents seek out a coach and mentor of immense trust and high integrity for their boomerang kid, failure to launch and college bound (or dropout) adult child with the base point of developmental needs and/or fine tuning that proves critical within their age bracket and obstacles. Important focal points such as confidence, motivation, structure and daily agenda, social skills, overcoming awkwardness, procrastination, organization, budgeting, accountability, discipline, work ethic, academics, relationships and proper transitioning into adulthood one step at a time. Our Millennial Coaching platform/program has been copied by many.
Whether they live on campus, on their own or still with mom and dad, a coach that can be "like family" is essential for the adult child. Some are full-time school, some may be "taking a semester off" while others are just looking to bypass school and join the workforce, but need a helping third-party and non-family hand to get going. An experienced coach will not only design core teachings for each adult child, but walk side by side with them during positive implementation mixed with patience and care, while keeping parents involved and updated. We happily cater to on-campus (Utah schools) in person meetings, mixed with effective Phone/Video sessions. Coach Lou also works via Phone/Video with clients and schools across the USA and abroad. He is an essential piece of mind for parents who live out of state, but their son or daughter attends a Utah school. Having someone of trust and great character in addition to the coaching position, is a breath of fresh air. Parents are also welcome to "split" a package with kids. No matter the service selected, we are 24/7 Career Counseling for all!
Accountable - Sense of Urgency - Independent - Consequence of Action
Attainment Coaching's "Lemon Sessions" - Lemon Sessions are a great way for coach and client to recap areas of improvement along the way. This term is defined in Corporate America as a meeting to strategize how specific obstacles and issues can be greatly improved upon at a given time. Coach Lou has conducted lemon sessions throughout board rooms across the country. He now uses them in coaching sessions to help clients better assess problem areas and focal points in need of improvement. This will lead to a more effective base-point when discussing accountability and what client can be doing differently day to day.
"Master Coach Lou's Self Discipline & Accountability Teachings" - Self Discipline and Accountability seem to fall by the wayside for many. Coach Lou leads by example with some of his major accomplishments spanning at least 1- full year of discipline! From the premise of "Lent & 40 Days of Sacrifice" Coach Lou has successfully sacrificed many daily areas of life over the years. Thus building more "grit" with personal persistence and a passion for aiming higher, incrementally.
40 days no television, 40 days no meat or fish, 12-Months no soda, 1 Year sacrificing many other areas of focus. This leads to a more balanced life of exercise, reading and spending quality time with family and friends. Implementing self discipline and self accountability is critical for each of us for many different reasons. Pulling from an accomplished background and a successful and genuinely happy 22 year marriage, Coach Lou helps each client understand what it means to be bigger than something and map out a custom plan of action to help them be better disciplined and more accountable, personally and professionally. Our marriage & relationship coaching tips offer clients a platform to plan, organize and strategize new ways to be proactive. Learning to practice self-accountability, confidence and goal setting while implementing fair boundaries, will go a long way.
Goal: Defines The Destination
Objective: Establishes a Series of Concrete Steps
- Laying everything on the table - Getting to the core of obstacles, frustrations and all personal + professional issues. We will also get a general idea of short, mid and long term goals. It is important for client to realize that they must take ownership of their life and goals. This is a great developmental stage for the client and Coach Lou. Client will also get a glimpse into our meticulous methods and a solid precedent will be set for the entire partnership. Client will always have a notebook or laptop with them, to reiterate critical focal points and study from their side. From day one to the end of your coaching with Attainment, you will never feel behind or out of place.
- Work with Coach Lou to Prioritize & Organize - Sift through what is "on the table" and start to map out direction, tools/capabilities and initial strategic objectives. This also helps with learning how to set boundaries in your personal and professional life. Coach Lou has an acute attention to detail and will not only help clients make hard and effective decisions based on the best information currently at hand, but also keep a keen eye to the future and stay two steps ahead. This stage sets the pace for strong sessions that are clear, effective and as beneficial as client will allow them to be. Coach Lou positively reinforces responsibility and accountability, helping to bridge the large gap between critical and creating thinking.
- What Clients need to hear, as opposed to what clients want to hear - At Attainment Coaching, everything has a purpose and a plan. We are always upfront and constructively honest with each client, because this is the proper platform to help them succeed and also identify repeated pitfalls within their life and career. Our goal is to help client gain positive momentum and achieve measurable progress that will lead to a stronger overall progression. A consistent and mutual regimen will be laid out in clear detail.
- Each session with Coach Lou will be powerful, insightful and very informative - Client will walk away from each meeting with something to work on and a positive approach to actually execute our daily agenda in a consistent manner. Daily Regimen & Healthy Repetition will start to be focal points as well. Client must be working hard on a daily basis, seeing small results block by block and moving forward in the right direction. Coach Lou will be side by side to make sure client is accountable, staying focused, positive and following through. Coach Lou offers many "lines of defense" to keep clients accountable and on track. This might include a daily phone call or a text and nightly email. Over the years, Coach Lou has successfully implemented an excellent array of options.
Impeccable Reputation
Our impeccable coaching reputation, exclusive coaching content and innovative programs have been featured on numerous TV & Radio segments as well as in many newspaper, social media and web articles around the country. Aside from successful coaching within Utah and extensively traveling the country from Alaska to the US Virgin Islands, Founder & Accomplished Coach Lou DePasquale's large reach has impacted clients from Canada, Australia, Germany, Brazil, Singapore, Greece, Japan, Mexico, France, Italy, Russia, United Kingdom, Chile, and China. His accolades and effective coaching techniques on a worldwide level at such a young age, continues to turn heads all across the industry. Our goal has never been to offer cookie cutter coaching to appease the masses. This is why we believe in coaching quality as opposed to mass quantity. Furthering our admiration for complete coaching perfection that is done the right way, from the very start. Because we all learn, retain and apply differently.
In early 2008, Coach Lou uniquely (and exclusively) designed and debuted the idea of coaching packages around "minutes" so clients can purchase an assortment of packages that simply deduct the minutes as used via In Person, Phone, Video or through basic/all interaction with him. These quickly proved to be a great success while being featured in not only many TV, Radio & Media interviews over the years, but became the staple they are today within Attainment Coaching's package line-up (now in 2023) due to demand. We also offer "time-frame" packages in various increments, including 3, 6, 12, 24 months and so on. This way, clients can choose to stop the clock and focus on time together and meaningful coaching for a set period. We are happy to discuss all options by complimentary phone consultation or email. You can also visit Our Packages tab for detailed information. All packages, pricing and services are based on seasonal availability and fluctuation of clientele.
Copyright 2008-2025 Worldwide - Attainment Life Coaching - Lou DePasquale - Life Career Coach Utah - Utah College Coach - Salt Lake City Executive Coach